➢ Forthcoming: Getting Back to the Table: 5 Steps for Reviving Stalled Negotiations. Barrett-Koheler. February 2025.
➢ Dr. McFiddle’s Brilliant Book of Creative Conflict Potions and Other Magical Things. Creative Response to Conflict Publications. September 2022.
➢ With E. Weiss The Abraham Path: A Photographic Impressionism Journey Volume I. E. B. Weiss Press. Natick, MA. July 2022
➢ With E. Weiss The Abraham Path: A Photographic Impressionism Journey Volume II. E. B. Weiss Press. Natick, MA. July 2022
➢ The Book of Real World Negotiations: Successful Strategies from Business, Government, and Daily Life. Wiley Press, Hoboken, NJ. August 2020
➢ With G. Relyea Phony Friends, Besties Again: The Continuing Adventures of Chickie and Emo. Resolution Press, San Diego, CA. Forthcoming 2019
➢ With G. Relyea Bullied No More: The Continuing Adventures of Chickie and Emo. Resolution Press, San Diego, CA. Forthcoming December 2018
➢ Weiss, J. and G. Relyea Trouble At The Watering Hole. Resolution Press, San Diego, CA. April 2017
➢ Weiss, J. The Negotiator In You: Sales. AudioGo. BBC audio book division in the United States. 2013. (Audiobook and ebook)
➢ Weiss, J. The Negotiator in You. HRD Press. May 2013.
➢ Weiss, J. The Negotiator in You: At Work. AudioGo. BBC audio book division in the United States. 2012. (Audiobook and ebook).
➢ Weiss, J. The Negotiator in You: At Home. AudioGo. BBC audio book division in the United States. 2012. (Audiobook and ebook).
➢ Weiss, J. The Negotiator in You: Sales. AudioGo. BBC audio book division in the United States. 2012. (Audiobook and ebook).
➢ Weiss, J. Which way forward?: Mediator Sequencing Strategies in Intractable Communal Conflicts. VDM VERLAG DR. MUELLER E.K. 2008.
➢ Weiss, J. You Didn’t Just Say That: Quotes, Quips and Proverbs When Dealing in the World of Conflict and Negotiation. Program on Negotiation Books. 2006.
➢ Weiss, J. Ed. When Spider Webs Unite: Five Case Studies of the Third Side in Action. Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation Books. 2002.
➢ Dissertation. Which way forward?: Mediator Sequencing Strategies in Intractable Communal Conflicts. Available on-line at Dissertation Abstracts.
➢ Culture and Negotation: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation. Spring 1997.
➢ With Heen, S., Eds. The Winter Negotiation Workshop Handbook. Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation. Winter 1996.
Articles and Chapters
➢ With Ury, W. “Traveler There is no Path, the Path is Made by Negotiating: The Story of the Abraham Path, a Decade and a Half of Negotiations, and Lessons Learned.” Negotiation Journal. Fall 2022 Forthcoming.
➢ Weiss, J. “Tricking the Jedi Mind: The Role of Unconscious Bias in Conflict.” In Ebner, N. and J. Reynolds. Star Wars and Conflict Resolution. Forthcoming Fall 2022.
➢ With Navarro, J. “What can Ben Franklin Teach Us About Effective Negotiation.” Psychology Today. March 23, 2021.
➢ Weiss, J. “Top tips for achieving success when negotiating cross culturally.” Association of MBAs. December 2020.
➢ Weiss, J. “Creative Approach to Negotiation.” The Smart Manager. May-June 2018. 16-18
➢ Weiss, J. “Connecting the Dots: The Nexus Between Leadership and Negotiation.” Negotiation Journal. 34 (2). April 2018. 207-213.
➢ Weiss, J. “On Its Head: Teaching Negotiation in a Flipped Classroom.” Program on Negotiation Blog Publication. April 18, 2016.
➢ Weiss, J. With Sebenius, J. “Negotiating the Path of Abraham.” Harvard Business School Case Study. Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA. November 2015. B case.
➢ Weiss, J. “From Aristotle to Sadat: A short strategic persuasion framework for negotiators.” Negotiation Journal. 31 (3). July 2015. 211-222.
➢ Weiss, J. “Negotiating skills to get ahead in your career.” In 7 Skills to Catapult Your Career. Blackstone Audio, Inc. 2013.
➢ Weiss, J. “Abraham's Path: The Path of a Thousand Negotiations." In Allen Nan, Mampilly, and Bartoli, Editors. Peacemaking: From Practice to Theory. Praeger Press, Santa Barbara, CA. 2012. Volume 2. 529-544.
➢ With Hancock, L. and Duerr, G. “Prospect Theory and the Failure to Sell the Oslo Accords.” Peace and Change. Forthcoming.
➢ With Hancock, L. and Duerr, G. “Prospect Theory and the Framing of the Good Friday Agreement.” Conflict Resolution Quarterly. Volume 28, number 2, January 2011.
➢ “Understanding Negotiation Fatigue Syndrome and its Impact on the Mindset of a Negotiator.” Oxford Leadership Journal. Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2011.
➢ With Sebenius, J. and Leary, K. “Negotiating the Path of Abraham.” Harvard Business School Case Study. Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA. January 2010.
➢ “A View Through the Bubble: Some Insights from Teaching Negotiation On-line.” Negotiation Journal. 21 (1), January, 2005. 71-83.
➢ “Framing GABI as GRIT in the Middle East.” Conflict Resolution Newsletter. July, 2004.
➢ “A New Precedent with Paradigmatic Importance: The Geneva Accords.” Conflict Resolution Newsletter. December, 2003.
➢ With Rosenberg, S. “Sequencing Strategy and Tactics.” In Burgess, G. and H. Burgess. 2003. Beyond Intractability. University of Colorado at Boulder.
➢ “Incrementaled to Death: Peacemaking in the Middle East.” Conflict Resolution Newsletter. August, 2003.
➢ “Trajectories Toward Peace: Mediator Sequencing Strategies in Intractable Communal Conflicts.” Negotiation Journal. 19 (2), April 2003. 109-115.
➢ “Why Negotiation has Gotten a Bad Name.” Conflict Resolution Newsletter. March, 2003.
➢ “Tuzla, The Third Side, and the Bosnian War.” In Weiss, J., Ed. When Spider Webs Unite: Five Case Studies of the Third Side in Action. Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation Books. 2002.
➢ With d’Estree, Fast, and Jakobsen, “Changing the Debate about “Success” in Conflict Resolution Efforts.” Negotiation Journal. 17 (2), April 2001. 101-114.
➢ With Hancock, L. and V. Perry. "A Skeletal Solution to an Enigmatic Puzzle: A Framework for Intervening to Prevent Violent Ethno-Identity Conflicts." CASID Connection. Michigan State University. 16, 1, 2000. PP. 38-58.
➢ With Hancock, L. "The Conflict Within." Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution. 2,2, 1999.
➢ "A Tyrian Dilemma: Guarantors in Peace Agreements." Journal of Civil Wars. 1, 4, 1998. PP. 69-89.
➢ “A Disastrous Balancing Act: The Beginning of Cambodia’s Misery.” Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution. 1, 1, 1998.
➢ “Resurrecting Peacekeeping in Bosnia.” IAPTC Peacekeeping Newsletter. 1, 5, Winter 1998. P. 8.
➢ With d'Estrée, T.P. Final report to Tucson Community Foundation: Rockefeller-funded projects in community conflict resolution. 1998.
➢ "Exhibit Understanding, Empathy, and Then Clarify the Situation." Negotiation Journal. 13, 4, 1997. PP. 322-323.
➢ "Learning from Saddam Hussein: Lessons for the Future of Nuclear Non-proliferation." Swords and Ploughshares: A Journal of Foreign Affairs. 41, 1994. PP. 5-16.
➢ Senior Thesis: “The effects of dehumanization by Upper Eschelon Nazi Guards on Lower Eschelon Nazi Guards and subsequently on prisoners of the concentration camps.” Unpublished. 1991.
Blogs and Podcasts
➢ The nexus between Leadership and Negotiation.
➢ In 2004, created Negotiation Tip of the Week (NTOW) Podcast that includes approximately 150 episodes. NTOW has been in the iTunes top 100 Business Podcasts for the past three years.
Working Papers
➢ “Multiple Identities Problem in Negotiation: The Shifting/Trumping/Individual Context (STIC) Theory.” Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution Working Paper. April 2000.
➢ “The Third Side: A Pedagogical Accompaniment.” College Version. Program On Negotiation Working Paper. Winter 2000.
➢ “The Third Side: A Pedagogical Accompaniment.” High School Version. Program On Negotiation Working Paper. Winter 2000.
➢ "Broaching the Multiple Identities Problem in Negotiation: The Shifting/Trumping/Individual Context (STIC) Theory." Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution Working Paper. 2000.
➢ "Tyr's Conundrum: Guarantors in Peace Agreements." Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution Working Paper. April 1999.
Negotiation Simulations
➢ With Blancke, and Shin, "Sanford High Race Riot: A Simulation." In Ury, W., Ed. Must We Fight: From the Schoolyard to the Battlefield. Jossey Bass. September. 2001.
➢ "The Powergraphics problem." Program on Negotiation Case Simulation. Cambridge, MA. Program on Negotiation, 1996.