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➢ Forthcoming: Getting Back to the Table: 5 Steps for Reviving Stalled Negotiations. Barrett-Koheler. February 2025.  


➢ Dr. McFiddle’s Brilliant Book of Creative Conflict Potions and Other Magical Things. Creative Response to Conflict Publications. September 2022.    

➢ With E. Weiss The Abraham Path: A Photographic Impressionism Journey Volume I.  E. B. Weiss Press. Natick, MA. July 2022

➢ With E. Weiss The Abraham Path: A Photographic Impressionism Journey Volume II.  E. B. Weiss Press. Natick, MA. July 2022

➢ The Book of Real World Negotiations: Successful Strategies from Business, Government, and Daily Life. Wiley Press, Hoboken, NJ.  August 2020


➢ With G. Relyea Phony Friends, Besties Again: The Continuing Adventures of Chickie and Emo. Resolution Press, San Diego, CA.  Forthcoming 2019


➢ With G. Relyea Bullied No More: The Continuing Adventures of Chickie and Emo. Resolution Press, San Diego, CA. Forthcoming December 2018


➢ Weiss, J. and G. Relyea Trouble At The Watering Hole. Resolution Press, San Diego, CA.  April 2017


➢ Weiss, J. The Negotiator In You: Sales. AudioGo.  BBC audio book division in the United States.  2013.  (Audiobook and ebook)

➢ Weiss, J.  The Negotiator in You. HRD Press.  May 2013.

➢ Weiss, J.  The Negotiator in You: At Work. AudioGo.  BBC audio book division in the United States.  2012.  (Audiobook and ebook).

➢ Weiss, J.  The Negotiator in You: At Home.  AudioGo. BBC audio book division in the United States.  2012.  (Audiobook and ebook).

➢ Weiss, J.  The Negotiator in You: Sales. AudioGo. BBC audio book division in the United States.  2012.  (Audiobook and ebook).

➢ Weiss, J. Which way forward?: Mediator Sequencing Strategies in Intractable Communal Conflicts. VDM VERLAG DR. MUELLER E.K. 2008.

➢ Weiss, J.  You Didn’t Just Say That:  Quotes, Quips and Proverbs When Dealing in the World of Conflict and Negotiation.  Program on Negotiation Books.  2006.

➢ Weiss, J. Ed. When Spider Webs Unite: Five Case Studies of the Third Side in Action.  Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation Books. 2002.

➢ Dissertation.  Which way forward?: Mediator Sequencing Strategies in Intractable Communal Conflicts.  Available on-line at Dissertation Abstracts.

➢ Culture and Negotation: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation.  Spring 1997.

➢ With Heen, S., Eds.  The Winter Negotiation Workshop Handbook.  Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation.  Winter 1996.

Articles and Chapters

➢  With Ury, W.  “Traveler There is no Path, the Path is Made by Negotiating: The Story of the Abraham Path, a Decade and a Half of Negotiations, and Lessons Learned.”  Negotiation Journal.  Fall 2022 Forthcoming. 


➢  Weiss, J. “Tricking the Jedi Mind: The Role of Unconscious Bias in Conflict.” In Ebner, N. and J. Reynolds. Star Wars and Conflict Resolution.  Forthcoming Fall 2022.


➢  With Navarro, J.  “What can Ben Franklin Teach Us About Effective Negotiation.” Psychology Today.  March 23, 2021.


➢  Weiss, J. “Top tips for achieving success when negotiating cross culturally.”  Association of MBAs. December 2020. 


➢  Weiss, J. “To Succeed in a Negotiation, Help Your Counterpart Save Face.”  Harvard Business Review. October 2, 2020.


➢  Weiss, J. “How to Use Stories to Become a Better Negotiator.” (website). November 2020.

➢  Weiss, J. “Top Tips on Achieving Success When Negotiating Cross Culturally.”  Association of MBAs (website). December 2020.

➢  Weiss, J. “Creative Approach to Negotiation.”  The Smart Manager. May-June 2018. 16-18

➢  Weiss, J.  “Connecting the Dots: The Nexus Between Leadership and Negotiation.” Negotiation Journal. 34 (2). April 2018. 207-213.

➢  Weiss, J. “On Its Head: Teaching Negotiation in a Flipped Classroom.”  Program on Negotiation Blog Publication.  April 18, 2016.

➢  Weiss, J. With Sebenius, J.  “Negotiating the Path of Abraham.”  Harvard Business School Case Study.  Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA.  November 2015.  B case.

➢  Weiss, J. “From Aristotle to Sadat: A short strategic persuasion framework for negotiators.”  Negotiation Journal.  31 (3). July 2015.  211-222.

➢  Weiss, J.  “Negotiating skills to get ahead in your career.” In 7 Skills to Catapult Your Career.  Blackstone Audio, Inc. 2013.


➢  Weiss, J.  “Abraham's Path: The Path of a Thousand Negotiations." In Allen Nan, Mampilly, and Bartoli, Editors. Peacemaking: From Practice to Theory. Praeger Press, Santa Barbara, CA. 2012. Volume 2. 529-544.

➢ With Hancock, L. and Duerr, G.  “Prospect Theory and the Failure to Sell the Oslo Accords.”  Peace and Change.  Forthcoming. 

➢ With Hancock, L. and Duerr, G.  “Prospect Theory and the Framing of the Good Friday Agreement.”  Conflict Resolution Quarterly.  Volume 28, number 2, January 2011.

➢ “Understanding Negotiation Fatigue Syndrome and its Impact on the Mindset of a Negotiator.”  Oxford Leadership Journal.  Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2011.

➢ With Sebenius, J. and Leary, K.  “Negotiating the Path of Abraham.”  Harvard Business School Case Study.  Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA.  January 2010.

➢ “A View Through the Bubble: Some Insights from Teaching Negotiation On-line.” Negotiation Journal.  21 (1), January, 2005. 71-83.

➢ “Framing GABI as GRIT in the Middle East.” Conflict Resolution Newsletter. July, 2004.  

➢ “A New Precedent with Paradigmatic Importance: The Geneva Accords.” Conflict Resolution Newsletter. December, 2003.  
➢ With Rosenberg, S. “Sequencing Strategy and Tactics.” In Burgess, G. and H. Burgess.  2003.  Beyond Intractability.  University of Colorado at Boulder.

➢ “Incrementaled to Death: Peacemaking in the Middle East.” Conflict Resolution Newsletter. August, 2003.

➢ “Trajectories Toward Peace: Mediator Sequencing Strategies in Intractable Communal Conflicts.”  Negotiation Journal.  19 (2), April 2003. 109-115.
➢ “Why Negotiation has Gotten a Bad Name.” Conflict Resolution Newsletter. March, 2003.

➢ “Tuzla, The Third Side, and the Bosnian War.” In Weiss, J., Ed. When Spider Webs Unite: Five Case Studies of the Third Side in Action. Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation Books. 2002.

➢ With d’Estree, Fast, and Jakobsen, “Changing the Debate about “Success” in Conflict Resolution Efforts.”  Negotiation Journal.  17 (2), April 2001.  101-114.

➢ With Hancock, L. and V. Perry.  "A Skeletal Solution to an Enigmatic Puzzle: A Framework for Intervening to Prevent Violent Ethno-Identity Conflicts."  CASID Connection. Michigan State University.  16, 1, 2000.  PP. 38-58.

➢ With Hancock, L.  "The Conflict Within." Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution.  2,2, 1999.

➢ "A Tyrian Dilemma: Guarantors in Peace Agreements."  Journal of Civil Wars.  1, 4, 1998.  PP. 69-89.

➢ “A Disastrous Balancing Act: The Beginning of Cambodia’s Misery.” Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution.  1, 1, 1998. 

➢  “Resurrecting Peacekeeping in Bosnia.”  IAPTC Peacekeeping Newsletter.  1, 5, Winter 1998.  P. 8.   

➢ With d'Estrée, T.P. Final report to Tucson Community Foundation: Rockefeller-funded projects in community conflict resolution. 1998.

➢ "Exhibit Understanding, Empathy, and Then Clarify the Situation."  Negotiation Journal.  13, 4, 1997.  PP. 322-323.

➢ "Learning from Saddam Hussein: Lessons for the Future of Nuclear Non-proliferation."  Swords and Ploughshares: A Journal of Foreign Affairs.  41, 1994.  PP. 5-16.

➢ Senior Thesis: “The effects of dehumanization by Upper Eschelon Nazi Guards on Lower Eschelon Nazi Guards and subsequently on prisoners of the concentration camps.”  Unpublished.  1991.

Blogs and Podcasts

The nexus between Leadership and Negotiation.

➢ In 2004, created Negotiation Tip of the Week (NTOW) Podcast that includes approximately 150 episodes.  NTOW has been in the iTunes top 100 Business Podcasts for the past three years.

Working Papers

➢ “Multiple Identities Problem in Negotiation: The Shifting/Trumping/Individual Context (STIC) Theory.”  Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution Working Paper.  April 2000.

➢ “The Third Side: A Pedagogical Accompaniment.”  College Version.  Program On Negotiation Working Paper.  Winter 2000.

➢ “The Third Side: A Pedagogical Accompaniment.”  High School Version.  Program On Negotiation Working Paper.  Winter 2000.

➢ "Broaching the Multiple Identities Problem in Negotiation: The Shifting/Trumping/Individual Context (STIC) Theory."  Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution Working Paper.  2000.

➢ "Tyr's Conundrum: Guarantors in Peace Agreements."  Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution Working Paper.  April 1999.

Negotiation Simulations

➢ With Blancke, and Shin, "Sanford High Race Riot: A Simulation."  In Ury, W., Ed.  Must We Fight: From the Schoolyard to the Battlefield.  Jossey Bass.  September. 2001.

➢ "The Powergraphics problem."  Program on Negotiation Case Simulation.  Cambridge, MA.  Program on Negotiation, 1996.

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